With various aspects of servicing, maintenance, including driver assisted features and vehicle monitoring. For our 1996 Rover 200 and the 04 ZR 120+
An annoying problem encountered some time ago, was initially with a suspected fault within the vehicles ignition switch, no dash panel lights, just the sound of the fuel pump being primed for the starting procedure. Only time to get a panel display, was with initiating 'quick and positive' turns of the ignition key. for an eventual start-up. So we ruled out any other ignition related problems, and fitted a new switch.
To replace the YXB-100350 ignition switch. Steering wheel is lowered down, and column covers removed. Top part will just prise off, bottom part is secured with 3 screws. Cabin fuse box lid also needs removing, switch is attached to bottom of key barrel with two small cross head screws. The ignition key barrel (not the switch) is factory secured with shear bolts, and does not need to be removed during this process.
Ignition switch shown above after being dismantled with top part, lower part, and rotor removed, The unit is just clipped together, so can be dis-assembled with extreme care and attention. The only parts that are removable are the rotating key position selector, from the centre spindle, and the small spring loaded guide.
With column covers removed, gave better access to the 2 small screws that holds ignition switch to barrel. At this stage it can be detached, from the multi-connector.
Located around the outer edge are various contacts a total of 5 which activates any of the key positions that is being selected, to achieve this, lower part of the rotor has corresponding grooves and slots.Which will open and close each contact as key is being turned during engine start and stop procedures, guide selector corresponds to indents under the collar of the rotor.
On assembly, spring loaded guide selector placed back first, then the rotating selector placed onto the centre spindle with spring tang 'facing' the multi-connector, which needs to be placed back correctly onto the spindle.
Any other way round, will just result in ignition key rotating freely and doing nothing, top cover now added, which holds and secures the spring resistance for ignition key quick return as during the normal engine starting procedures.
Not regarded as a difficult job, just a bit tedious, working in a confined space, so a younger family member had the task of removing and replacing the switch. .
A question often asked, is it ok to oil my ignition key to give it a smoother action when inserted into the ignition key barrel. When the key has been lightly oiled, or given a light smear of graphite grease to both the separated edges. This will help loosen each of the individual key security spring loaded digits within the barrel, giving it a smoother glide free key action. Applies only to our own personal experience.
Information supplied is referenced only to our own 1996 Rover 200 Series, and 2004 MG-ZR 120+